3 Ways Walking Can Boost Kidney Health

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3 Ways Walking Can Boost Kidney Health

walking boost kidney health

There are several forms of exercise that are known to be beneficial for numerous people and multiple different possible issues, and one of the best single examples is walking. And because March is National Kidney Month, this is a perfect time to discuss the potential benefits of walking on overall kidney health in many people.

At Cozy Retire, we’re happy to offer caring assisted living community services to guests in Ogden and numerous nearby areas of Weber County and Davis County. We encourage many forms of basic exercise and activity in our communities, and many of our guests walk throughout our beautiful grounds regularly. Here are some of the key benefits of walking for kidney health, whether you or a loved one are dealing with active kidney issues or are just looking to be proactive.

Reducing Risk of Cardiovascular Issues

As many people are already aware, one of the chief benefits of walking is the known reductions in potential risk factors for cardiovascular issues. And because many people with kidney disease (especially those on dialysis) are more likely to have heart-related concerns like stroke, walking can help to reduce this risk.

Walking for a Better Sleep Cycle

Another key benefit of regular walking is the potential positive effect on a person’s sleep cycle. People with kidney disease are often likely to have issues with sleeping regularly and soundly, but walking can help promote better sleep overall and give an individual more energy during the day.

Additional Benefits of Walking

Furthermore, some people with kidney issues deal with other physical concerns simultaneously. Walking may assist with several of these, including:

  • Memory: Regular walking can help improve overall cognitive functions, including memory.
  • Pain management: People with chronic kidney disease may have to deal with joint and muscle pain, which walking can help reduce or even eliminate in many cases.
  • Improved mood: Walking regularly has been linked to improved moods and feelings of wellness overall.
  • Sleep quality: Walking can also help improve the quality of sleep, leading to better overall health.
  • Brain blood flow increases: Regular walking can improve blood flow to the brain, leading to better concentration and focus.
  • Stress reduction: Finally, regular walking has been linked to lowered levels of stress.

At Cozy Retire, we believe in the importance of staying active and promoting good overall health no matter a person’s age or current condition. As part of our assisted living community services in Ogden and nearby areas, we make sure to encourage our guests to stay as physically active as possible, and walking is a great way to do that!

If you or someone you know has kidney disease and is looking for an assisted living community in Ogden or nearby areas of Weber County and Davis County, contact us today at Cozy Retire. Our staff will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about any of our programs or services.